


名称:广州市万通通风设备有限公司 电话: 手机: 传真: 邮箱:wantongfj@qq.com 网址: 地址:广州市番禺区沙湾镇动车街33号之二


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  • PP弯头

    PP弯头曲率半径:PP弯头在PP通风管道系统中,是改变管道方向的管件。PP弯头英文为Elbow,缩写为E。因材质的不同,生产工艺不一样,相对应的规格参数也不一样,从而PP弯头的分类也多种多样。现以曲率半径为主要分类点,分析弯头管件的分类以及表示方法。按照曲率半径来分类可分为长PP半径弯头和PP短半径弯头。PP长半径弯头指它的曲率半径等于1.5倍的管子外径,即R=1.5D。PP短半径弯头指它的曲率半径等于管子的外径,即R=D。 公式中的D为PP弯头直径,R为曲率半径。LR表示长半径,SR表示短半径。按PP弯头的角度分,有45°弯头,有90°弯头和180°弯头。
    PP对焊弯头:PP对焊弯头是塑料粒子模压成型的弯头,它的连接形式就是 接将弯头与PP管对焊连接。国际标准ISO161和化工部标准。可根据客户的需求另行加工制作。采用模压成型,产品具有强度高,耐腐蚀,气密性好,使用寿命长,安装维修方便等特点;具有耐腐蚀、耐高温、质轻无毒、无污染,强度高,无缝、操作灵敏、零部件拆换方便,价格低等优势,能广泛应用于石油、化工、氯碱、冶炼、制药、电镀。等行业,产品深得用户好评。
  • PP elbow

    In the PP ventilation line system, the PP elbow is a pipe that changes the direction of the pipe. According to the production process, it can be divided into: molding elbow, injection elbow, socket elbow and so on. Other names: 90 degree elbow, right angle bend, love and bend. According to the angle, there are three most commonly used 45° and 90°180°, and other abnormal angle elbows such as 60° are also included according to engineering needs. The way in which the elbow is coupled to the pipe is: direct welding (the most common way) flange connection, hot melt connection, electrofusion connection, threaded connection and socket connection.
    PP elbow radius of curvature: PP elbow is a pipe fitting that changes the direction of the pipe in the PP ventilation duct system. PP elbow English is Elbow, abbreviated as E. Due to different materials, the production process is different, and the corresponding specifications are different, so the classification of PP elbows is also diverse. Now use the radius of curvature as the main classification point to analyze the classification and representation of elbow fittings. According to the radius of curvature, it can be divided into long PP radius elbow and PP short radius elbow. The PP long radius elbow refers to the outer diameter of the tube whose radius of curvature is equal to 1.5 times, that is, R = 1.5D. The PP short radius elbow means that its radius of curvature is equal to the outer diameter of the tube, ie R=D. D in the formula is the diameter of the PP elbow, and R is the radius of curvature. LR represents a long radius and SR represents a short radius. According to the angle of the PP elbow, there is a 45° elbow with a 90° elbow and a 180° elbow.
    PP butt weld elbow: PP butt weld elbow is an elbow molded by plastic particles. Its connection form is to connect the elbow to the PP pipe butt weld. International standard ISO 161 and Ministry of Chemical Industry standards. Can be processed separately according to customer needs. With compression molding, the product has the characteristics of high strength, corrosion resistance, good air tightness, long service life, convenient installation and maintenance, etc. It has corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, light weight, no toxicity, no pollution, high strength, seamless and sensitive operation. It is easy to replace parts and components, and has low price. It can be widely used in petroleum, chemical, chlor-alkali, smelting, pharmaceutical and electroplating. In other industries, the products have won praise from users.
直 径
厚 度
300 3
350 3
400 3
450 4
500 4
600 4
700 6
800 6


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